
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Don't ask 'why me?'.....instead state 'why NOT ME!'

Oftentimes we wonder why, what if, woulda, shoulda, coulda.....Recently, one of my great friends was dx with a certain kind of brain cancer that requires a specific kind of treatment, a more aggressive treatment...all that to say...her diagnosis was a shock to everyone. I mean, just a few days before she was picking her kids up from school...she was getting her nails & hair done....she was in therapy for what the initial doctors had missed and labeled as a 'fused spine'..........I get angry just thinking about it.......her new doctors wasted zero time in their attempts to remove this tumor that somehow found it's way to my friends' brain!!
The day after her surgery, my son and I go to visit her in her hospital room and as I walk through the door of her room, chills come over me as though Jesus himself was holding and comforting me and giving me, at that very moment the strength He knew I would need to deal. I walk through the heavy hospital room door and....

I see my dearest friend hooked to all of these wires and poles and iv's and well you get the point....the first thing she said to me, and I'll never forget it, was "THERE'S MY GIRL"! I felt like my heart had dropped to my toesies...we laughed, we cried, we hugged, we talked and we cried and laughed some more. I didn't wanna leave. She simply asked me..."Stella, why me....why is God punishing me? I've been doing all that I should; I pay my bills on time, I take care of my kids (who are awesome young men), I don't claim to be the biggest christian but I believe in God...why me Stella?".....We were looking each other dead in the eyes....I simply whispered...."Why not you?"


  1. Stella, you are a fantastic, wonderful, loving and giving young Mother. I am so proud of you and all you represent on every level. There is so much strength in your humility. When I reflect on all you've been thru and how you've walked that journey, I thank God for you and giving you the strength, mind and spirit to conquer every challenge life has presented you. Not once did you complain. I know the pain alone for most people would have made most give up. You live your sermon daily and it has influenced so many to hang in, hold on and overcome victoriously. You have always presented yourself with an upbeat and winning, smiling presence. In 2004 you endured 9 (NINE)surgeries, each one individually life threatening. Watching you survive all of that taught me so much. I could never repay you for the invaluable lessons I've learned during those times. You journeyed with such grace and unwaivering faith that each of your caregivers told me that they were blessed to take care of you. Most people would just do their jobs, but you inspired them to feel good about what they did and who they were. You made each of them feel special and appreciated. You demonstrated Dignity, Class and Unwaivering Faith every time. I love and admire you and am so proud to have you as my daughter, my friend. Your Mother

  2. I'm not sure I am doing this right but I am trying. If I need to do it differenly, teach me and I will get it right.... Loving you ALWAYS. YO MAMA

  3. have absolutely NO idea how you just blessed me! OMG! OMG!OMG! ♥
