
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Don't ask 'why me?'.....instead state 'why NOT ME!'

Oftentimes we wonder why, what if, woulda, shoulda, coulda.....Recently, one of my great friends was dx with a certain kind of brain cancer that requires a specific kind of treatment, a more aggressive treatment...all that to say...her diagnosis was a shock to everyone. I mean, just a few days before she was picking her kids up from school...she was getting her nails & hair done....she was in therapy for what the initial doctors had missed and labeled as a 'fused spine'..........I get angry just thinking about it.......her new doctors wasted zero time in their attempts to remove this tumor that somehow found it's way to my friends' brain!!
The day after her surgery, my son and I go to visit her in her hospital room and as I walk through the door of her room, chills come over me as though Jesus himself was holding and comforting me and giving me, at that very moment the strength He knew I would need to deal. I walk through the heavy hospital room door and....

I see my dearest friend hooked to all of these wires and poles and iv's and well you get the point....the first thing she said to me, and I'll never forget it, was "THERE'S MY GIRL"! I felt like my heart had dropped to my toesies...we laughed, we cried, we hugged, we talked and we cried and laughed some more. I didn't wanna leave. She simply asked me..."Stella, why me....why is God punishing me? I've been doing all that I should; I pay my bills on time, I take care of my kids (who are awesome young men), I don't claim to be the biggest christian but I believe in God...why me Stella?".....We were looking each other dead in the eyes....I simply whispered...."Why not you?"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Commentary: A Love Letter to My Hater -

Commentary: A Love Letter to My Hater -
Publish Post

Awesome read!!!!

Lemony Shrimp and White Bean Salad Recipe | Real Simple Recipes

Lemony Shrimp and White Bean Salad Recipe | Real Simple Recipes
I probably would substitute the white beans with something else!

Work through your pain & love of self will come!

Lupus is an uncertain, body diminishing disease. This morning I've committed to myself to work through my pain today and everyday. Years ago, my loving Uncle would ALWAYS say to me...'Stella....take care of yourself!'....Until lately, I really didn't 'get' what he was saying. one has to look at the words themselves. Take care of yourself. When you take care of something it lasts longer; it shows it's care in return; it is an example of your worth to yourself! Today, I pledge to take CARE of me! I'm gonna make my doc appts; I'm gonna take my meds as scheduled; I'm gonna follow my doctors directions(with discernment of course!); I'm gonna do my therapy exercises; I'm gonna think good thoughts; I'm gonna BELIEVE IN ME! All of this is working through your pain. Bottom line....if you focus on the things above and all things positive; you've worked through your pain without even knowing it!
CARE & LOVE YOURSELF! Noone can do it like you can!

Forward is the only motion!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lupus & TRUST

Bare with me; this is my first blog....I woke this morning with severe pain in my hands and arms. Now, keep in mind, I'm used to pain. I mean after all, I'm a former D-1 student athlete and have a very high tolerance for pain. BUT, today, for some reason, it was quite unbearable today. I'm not one to complain either, so for me to even blog about this says a whole lot. I was dx with SLE in 1988 and played through college and survived the birth of my one and only blessing in my son, Patryck! He's my reason for living and making certain I take care of myself. Soooo, all that to say....tonight I had to take my Lyrica, which I prefer not to take unless it's absolutely necessary. My team of doctors trust me to manage my medicine cabinet and I thoroughly appreciate that. Trust is important in all facets of life; parents-child; teacher-student; coach-player; doctor-patient; name it TRUST must be a part of the equation. With that, I encourage all to make sure TRUST in your life. In GOD we trust!